General Public Event
Summer Hours – Open Observing
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesPLEASE check the weather AND/OR our Facebook Page BEFORE
Cornhusker Bank Visit
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesYoga under the stars
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesYoga group to have yoga session either on large pad or in multipurpose building dependent on weather. No set up other than cording off site for the group.
Cornhusker Bank Visit
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesConfirmed volunteers: Matt Anderson, Bob Finke and summer staff
CANCELED – Perseid Meteor Shower Late Night Star Party
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesNOTICE: After looking at the weather forecast for tonight,
International Observe the Moon Night
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States🌕 Join Us for a Moonlit Adventure at Branched
10th Annual Fall StarBQ
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesThe 10th Annual Fall Star-B-Q Sponsored by ALLO Fiber
The Comet A3 Star Party
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesThe Comet A3 Star Party at Branched Oak Observatory
End Season Star Party AND Chili Cook-Off
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesThe End of Season Star Party AND The “It’s Gettin’
CANCELLED – Parade of the Planets Star Party – Public Event – CANCELLED
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesUPDATE: DUE to cold and cloudy skies in the forecast,
Silent Book Club
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesOpen to the General Public - FREE ADMISSION Join
Late Night Lunacy at Branched Oak Observatory!
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesWhy sleep when the universe is putting on a