Summer Hours – Tonight’s Topic – Stelar Origami
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesTonight we start our Summer hours. Each weekend we
Southeast Community College Course – Exploring the Summer Skies
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesExploring the Summer Skies – A Backstage Tour of Branched
Cornhusker Bank Visit
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesConfirmed volunteers: Matt Anderson, Bob Finke and summer staff
Cancelled-Malone Center Visit
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesContact person: Karla Brown of the Malone Center. Approximately 45 student guests with sponsors to visit. Students range from K-8th grade. Students will divide into smaller groups, by age, and rotate for programming, meteorite display, STEM take home craft and solar viewing. Group ages will be K-2, 3-4 and 5-8 grades.
Campus Life Tour
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesContact: Shannon 402-270-1527 50 11-14 year old students with 10 Campus Life staff sponsors. Will divide in 3 groups. Arrive at 10:30 for alternating 50 minute sessions of programming/meteorites including astronomy through the lens of how the Lord did it, Solar Viewing/facility tour, and hands on craft. Will bring sack lunches for lunch at 12:10-12:40. Confirmed staff: David Dickenson, Michael Sibbernsen, Matthew Anderson
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesNOTICE: There will be NO SUMMER HOURS (General Public
James Arthur Vineyards
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesTickets are $35 and are purchased through James Arthur Vineyards.
Summer Hours – Open Observing
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesPLEASE check the weather AND/OR our Facebook Page BEFORE
Open Summer hours 7-11PM
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesCLOSING AT 8PM Due to Weather
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesSummer Open Hours 11AM-5PM
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesGirl Scout Troop
Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United StatesBeatrice girl scout troop, 8 girls for their space science badge requirements and following viewing. Confirmed volunteers: Carol Wells