Visit by UNL ASTR224 Students

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Students from Dr. Evan Rich's ASTR224 will be visiting

LEA Retired

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Contact: Arlene Rae, 402-432-4425. Will start in MPC for an 'Introduction to the BOO' program, followed by a tour with solar viewing and then back to the MPC for 'Inside the fall sky' programming. Will be 6-7 guests.


James Arthur Vineyards

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Tickets are $35 and are purchased through James Arthur Vineyards.


Girl Scout Troop from Crete – Private Visit – New Rescheduled Date

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Contact person: Jenn Nevaril. Girl scout troop to work on space science investigation badge: how and why the moon orbits the earth and how other planets orbit the sun. They might bring own snacks. Programming followed by stargazing. Group consists of 5-8 scouts and parents. Confirmed volunteers: Michael Sibbernsen, Carol Wells.

OLLI Visit #3 – Private Visit

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Contact person: Clay Farris Naff. 20 guests. Confirmed Volunteer: Brian Siville.


OLLI Visit #4 – Private Visit

Branched Oak Observatory 14300 NW 98th Street, Raymond, NE, United States

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Contact person: Clay Farris Naff. 20 guests. Confirmed Volunteer: Brian Siville.
