Omaha MCC Continuing Education: “Exploring the Winter Night Sky: Celestial Highlights and Constellations”
January 18, 2024 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Special Outreach Event – Registration Required
Exploring the Winter Night Sky: Celestial Highlights and Constellations
A Continuing Education class at Metropolitan Community College – Omaha
In this illuminating class, you will learn to navigate the winter night sky and discover the enchanting celestial wonders that grace our universe during this season. Join us as we delve into the fascinating stories behind the constellations that adorn the winter sky. From Orion the Hunter to the dazzling Pleiades star cluster, you’ll unravel the myths and legends that have been woven into the fabric of these celestial formations for centuries. Your instructor is Professor Michael Sibbernsen, the Director of Education at Branched Oak Observatory. Using MCC’s innovative Science on a Sphere, Professor Sibbernsen will guide you through the art of stargazing, teaching you how to identify key stars, planets, and other celestial objects that shimmer across the winter canvas. If the weather allows, you will head outside, and by using special electronic telescopes that can cut through the light pollution of the city, observe some of the celestial wonders mentioned in the classroom.
You can register for this Continuing Education class at…