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REGISTRATION NOW OPEN. Just email us at [email protected] with the following information…
1) Family or Group Name
2) Number of Children in Group
3) Number of Adults in Group
4) What Time you would like for your tour ONLY 9PM AVAILABLE. [7PM and 8PM are now CLOSED]
BOO at the BOO is a kid-friendly “sorta-spooky”** Halloween event for the entire family. Registration Required as our space is *very limited*.
Kids (and their parents!) are encouraged to break out their Halloween costumes a few days early and join in on the fun at Branched Oak Observatory on Friday, October 29th.
A Trick-Or-Treat Costume Parade will be led by the “Caretaker” who will guide everyone on a tour of the grounds. Each station will be decorated and manned by costumed observatory staff. They will have fruit, candy and other goodies for the trick-or-treaters. After the parade, we will meet at the 30′ Prairie Astronomy Club “Launch Pad” for more treats, spiced cider, music, and astronomical views through a telescope (if the sky is clear).
Space for this event is very limited so Registration is required. We will have 3 tours throughout the evening, at 7PM or 9PM [8PM now CLOSED]. Choose which works best for you.
We are looking forward to spooking you soon!
**Sorta-Spooky. Because our event is aimed at a younger audience, our haunted attraction WILL NOT feature blood, gore, and sudden “jump scares.” In the tradition of Halloween, however, you CAN expect to see spooky ghosts, creepy graveyards, scary spiders, wicked witches, moaning zombies and much more, all accented with special sound and lightning effects. Some scenes and environments may be too extreme for the very young or hypersensitive.

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